acapella music played by Mike Tompkins is a very good acapella. And I think it is the world's best acapella I've ever seen. Harmonization of sound on the music played by Mike Tompkins very harmonious and pleasing to the hearing. If you've never seen her video please see here:
Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011
Tips Memperkuat SEO Blogspot | Tutorial SEO
Pada Kali ini saya akan berbagi artikel mengenai SEO. Agar banyak dikunjungi oleh pengunjung dan artikel kita terus di baca orang banyak, ada beberapa trik yang harus dilakukan. Diantaranya yaitu dengan memperkuat SEO pada blog kita. Dengan memperkuat SEO dapat meningkatkan visitor ke blog anda.
Berikut adalah tips nya :
Ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas seo blog antara lain yang saya ketahui yaitu :
* Gunakan hosting untuk blog Anda yang seo friendly.
* Gunakan tema yang seo friendly.
* Tata penyusunan dan penulisan artikel atau konten blog Anda.
* Gunakan Inbound link dengan anchor text keyword yang Anda target.
* Penyelarasan title, deskripsi dan keyword pada meta tag blog Anda.
* Gunakan dan sisipkan keyword pada konten Anda.
* Cari baklink sebanyak – banyaknya dan yang berkualitas.
sumber :
Namun, dibalik beberapa trik seo diatas, yang terpenting pada blog adalah sejauh mana informasi yang anda berikan berguna bagi orang lain. Meskipun trik seo yang anda lakukan sudah maksimal dan boleh di bilang lengkap, Namun jika informasi yang anda sajikan tidak bermanfaat, maka semua itu sia sia. Saya teringat ketika blog saya tidak masuk rank pada alexa page rank. Dan blog teman saya merupakan ranking pertama. Dan ternyata setelah saya lihat pengunjungnya, pengunjung blog saya jauh lebih banyak dari blog dia. Ini terbukti bahwa trik seo berada pada urutan ke 2 setelah artikel yang kita posting. Fokus lah pada artikel atau informasi yang anda buat, kemudian barulah anda memaksimal kan seo pada blog anda.
Berikut adalah tips nya :
Ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas seo blog antara lain yang saya ketahui yaitu :
* Gunakan hosting untuk blog Anda yang seo friendly.
* Gunakan tema yang seo friendly.
* Tata penyusunan dan penulisan artikel atau konten blog Anda.
* Gunakan Inbound link dengan anchor text keyword yang Anda target.
* Penyelarasan title, deskripsi dan keyword pada meta tag blog Anda.
* Gunakan dan sisipkan keyword pada konten Anda.
* Cari baklink sebanyak – banyaknya dan yang berkualitas.
sumber :
Namun, dibalik beberapa trik seo diatas, yang terpenting pada blog adalah sejauh mana informasi yang anda berikan berguna bagi orang lain. Meskipun trik seo yang anda lakukan sudah maksimal dan boleh di bilang lengkap, Namun jika informasi yang anda sajikan tidak bermanfaat, maka semua itu sia sia. Saya teringat ketika blog saya tidak masuk rank pada alexa page rank. Dan blog teman saya merupakan ranking pertama. Dan ternyata setelah saya lihat pengunjungnya, pengunjung blog saya jauh lebih banyak dari blog dia. Ini terbukti bahwa trik seo berada pada urutan ke 2 setelah artikel yang kita posting. Fokus lah pada artikel atau informasi yang anda buat, kemudian barulah anda memaksimal kan seo pada blog anda.
Tips Ampuh Mencegah Jerawat Pada Pria
Ada Baiknya Ketika Kita mencegah penyakit dibandingkan dengan mengobati penyakit. Sebab mengobati pada umumnya lebih sulit dan membutuhkan waktu yang bahkan cukup lama. Untuk Mencegah timbulnya jerawat pada wajah anda, ada beberapa cara yang harus ditempuh sebagai berikut :
1. Bersihkan muka dari kosmetik sebelum tidur
2. Hindari makanan manis dan berminyak
3. Perhatikan gizi agar seimbang, konsumsi cukup vitamin C dan Vitamin E
4. Hindari penggunaan kosmetik yang berminyak
5. Berikan kulit perlindungan dari sinar matahari terutama pada musim panas
6. Jangan begadang
7. Jangan biarkan kotoran dan debu tinggal di permukaan kulit
8. Bersihkan dan rawat kulit wajah dengan tuntas
Jika Anda mengikuti langkah tersebut dengan sungguh sungguh dan benar benar menerapkan pola hidup sehat pada kehidupan anda, mudah mudahan anda terhindar dari jerawat yang menjengkelkan. Demikian lah artikel mengenai tips ampuh mencegah munculnya jerawat pada wajah baik pria maupun wanita.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat untuk anda dalam mencegah jerawat yang muncul ;;;;
Terimakasih :-D
Sumber :
1. Bersihkan muka dari kosmetik sebelum tidur
2. Hindari makanan manis dan berminyak
3. Perhatikan gizi agar seimbang, konsumsi cukup vitamin C dan Vitamin E
4. Hindari penggunaan kosmetik yang berminyak
5. Berikan kulit perlindungan dari sinar matahari terutama pada musim panas
6. Jangan begadang
7. Jangan biarkan kotoran dan debu tinggal di permukaan kulit
8. Bersihkan dan rawat kulit wajah dengan tuntas
Jika Anda mengikuti langkah tersebut dengan sungguh sungguh dan benar benar menerapkan pola hidup sehat pada kehidupan anda, mudah mudahan anda terhindar dari jerawat yang menjengkelkan. Demikian lah artikel mengenai tips ampuh mencegah munculnya jerawat pada wajah baik pria maupun wanita.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat untuk anda dalam mencegah jerawat yang muncul ;;;;
Terimakasih :-D
Sumber :
Tips Ampuh Mengobati Jerawat
Jerawat merupakan salah satu penyakit kulit yang sering tumbuh di muka dan pada umumnya dialami oleh remaja. Pada kasus lain jerawat bisa juga tumbuh di bagian selain muka. Berikut adalah tips mengenai "cara ampuh mengobati jerawat". Tips ampuh mengobati jerawat ini saya dapatkan dari website Baik, untuk tidak memperpanjang berikut adalah tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat secara alami. Semoga membantu ... :-)
* Selalu menjaga kebersihan wajah, dengan rajin membasuh muka dengan sabun yang cocok dengan PH kulit anda. Berwudhu pun juga termasuk terapi ampuh untuk mengurangi jerawat.
* Rajin berolahraga atau melakukan akitivitas fisik yang lumayan banyak menghasilkan keringat, hal ini terbukti sekali saat saya bekerja sebagai seorang pelaksana di sebuah perusahaan perkapalan dimana aktivitas kerja saya sangat banyak menghasilkan keringat yang ternyata berakibat positif untuk menurunkan tingkat keparahan jerawat saya.
* Rajin minum air putih. Tampaknya memang sederhana, tapi terapi ini benar benar manjur tidak hanya untuk masalah jerawat saja bahkan untuk penyakit penyakit berat lain sekalipun. Dengan bagusnya sistem "pengairan" di tubuh anda, maka darah anda ataupun organ lain tubuh anda akan bisa lebih "bersih" dan sehat sehingga akan mendukung proses penyembuhan anda dari jerawat atau penyakit lainnya.
* Hindari stress berlebihan karena bisa menjadi pemicu semakin banyaknya jerawat anda, saya sudah coba buktikan sendiri dengan rajin melakukan tehnik menenangkan hati yang ada di website ini, silahkan anda coba buktikan sendiri :)
Tips diatas memang terlihat sederhana, namun jika kesemua tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat di atas di terapkan dengan sungguh sungguh, insyaallah akan membantu anda dalam menghilangkan jerawat. Banyak orang yang jerawat nya hilang bukan karena obat obatan namun dengan cara meningkatkan kebersihan pada wajah mereka.
Terimakasih :-D
* Selalu menjaga kebersihan wajah, dengan rajin membasuh muka dengan sabun yang cocok dengan PH kulit anda. Berwudhu pun juga termasuk terapi ampuh untuk mengurangi jerawat.
* Rajin berolahraga atau melakukan akitivitas fisik yang lumayan banyak menghasilkan keringat, hal ini terbukti sekali saat saya bekerja sebagai seorang pelaksana di sebuah perusahaan perkapalan dimana aktivitas kerja saya sangat banyak menghasilkan keringat yang ternyata berakibat positif untuk menurunkan tingkat keparahan jerawat saya.
* Rajin minum air putih. Tampaknya memang sederhana, tapi terapi ini benar benar manjur tidak hanya untuk masalah jerawat saja bahkan untuk penyakit penyakit berat lain sekalipun. Dengan bagusnya sistem "pengairan" di tubuh anda, maka darah anda ataupun organ lain tubuh anda akan bisa lebih "bersih" dan sehat sehingga akan mendukung proses penyembuhan anda dari jerawat atau penyakit lainnya.
* Hindari stress berlebihan karena bisa menjadi pemicu semakin banyaknya jerawat anda, saya sudah coba buktikan sendiri dengan rajin melakukan tehnik menenangkan hati yang ada di website ini, silahkan anda coba buktikan sendiri :)
Tips diatas memang terlihat sederhana, namun jika kesemua tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat di atas di terapkan dengan sungguh sungguh, insyaallah akan membantu anda dalam menghilangkan jerawat. Banyak orang yang jerawat nya hilang bukan karena obat obatan namun dengan cara meningkatkan kebersihan pada wajah mereka.
Terimakasih :-D
Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011
Tips Merawat dan Menjaga Kebersihan Kaki
Berikut adalah tips sederhana mengenai cara merawat kaki agar terhindar dari kuman dan penyakit. Kaki perupakan alat untuk berjalan yang fatal akibatnya jika tidak bisa berfungsi dengan baik. Untuk itu ada baiknya kita selalu memperhatikan kebersihan tangan dan juga kaki, Agar kebersihan tetap terjaga dan tidak ada kuman berbahaya yang mengakibatkan kaki anda terinfeksi penyakit yang tidak diingin kan.
• Cara Menjaga dan merawat kebersihan Tangan dan Kaki
- Bersihkan tangan dan kaki sehari minimal 2x/hr atau setiap kotor.
- Potong kuku 1 x/ mg atau saat terlihat panjang ( gunakan pemotong kuku dan setelah dipotong ujung kuku dihaluskan/dikikir)
- Gunakan alas kaki yang lembut, aman, dan nyaman.
Selain itu ada baiknya kita juga melakukan perawatan terhadap kaki dan tangan. Apalagi bagi kaum wanita. Menjaga kebersihan kaki termasuk hal yang paling penting karena hal tersebut berkaitan dengan penampilan.
Mungkin tips berikut merupakan cara ampuh untuk merawat kecantikan kaki anda :-) :
Selalu membawa Hand body Lotion saat berpergian kemanapun, karena untuk menjaga kulit. terutama untuk bagian kulit tangan dan kaki.Dua bagian ini hal yang terpenting yang harus diperhatikan dan dirawat oleh kaum wanita.Dan jangan lupa menggunakan krim untuk tangan,salah satunya karena alasan pekerjaan,”.karena hampir setiap pekerjaan dilakukakan dengan tangan,dan jangan lupa untuk selalu mencuci tangan.Semua itu untuk menjaga kebersihan dan agar kulit tidak terasa kering.Bagian kaki juga sangat penting.Selain tangan jangan lupa menyiapkan krim untuk menjaga kehalusan kaki,kaki merupakan hal yang identik dengan keanggunan seorang wanita,jika menggunakan high shoes terasa lebih percaya diri jika kulit terlihat mulus,dan juga banyak laki-laki menilai wanita akan bertambah cantik jika memilik kaki yang menarik.Cara ini juga menurunkan problem di bagian kaki terutama kaki kering dan telapak kaki yang pecah-pecah.Untuk itu penampilan boleh dikatakan sempurna jika selain wajah,kulit dan bentuk tubuh,kaki sekalipun mendapatkan perhatian yang sangat istimewa.
Sumber :
- Bersihkan tangan dan kaki sehari minimal 2x/hr atau setiap kotor.
- Potong kuku 1 x/ mg atau saat terlihat panjang ( gunakan pemotong kuku dan setelah dipotong ujung kuku dihaluskan/dikikir)
- Gunakan alas kaki yang lembut, aman, dan nyaman.
Selain itu ada baiknya kita juga melakukan perawatan terhadap kaki dan tangan. Apalagi bagi kaum wanita. Menjaga kebersihan kaki termasuk hal yang paling penting karena hal tersebut berkaitan dengan penampilan.
Mungkin tips berikut merupakan cara ampuh untuk merawat kecantikan kaki anda :-) :
Selalu membawa Hand body Lotion saat berpergian kemanapun, karena untuk menjaga kulit. terutama untuk bagian kulit tangan dan kaki.Dua bagian ini hal yang terpenting yang harus diperhatikan dan dirawat oleh kaum wanita.Dan jangan lupa menggunakan krim untuk tangan,salah satunya karena alasan pekerjaan,”.karena hampir setiap pekerjaan dilakukakan dengan tangan,dan jangan lupa untuk selalu mencuci tangan.Semua itu untuk menjaga kebersihan dan agar kulit tidak terasa kering.Bagian kaki juga sangat penting.Selain tangan jangan lupa menyiapkan krim untuk menjaga kehalusan kaki,kaki merupakan hal yang identik dengan keanggunan seorang wanita,jika menggunakan high shoes terasa lebih percaya diri jika kulit terlihat mulus,dan juga banyak laki-laki menilai wanita akan bertambah cantik jika memilik kaki yang menarik.Cara ini juga menurunkan problem di bagian kaki terutama kaki kering dan telapak kaki yang pecah-pecah.Untuk itu penampilan boleh dikatakan sempurna jika selain wajah,kulit dan bentuk tubuh,kaki sekalipun mendapatkan perhatian yang sangat istimewa.
Sumber :
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
Tips To Get Dollar From Your Blog
With blogging, you can earn money. However, the first step you should do is to attract visitors to read your blog every day. Write articles that are useful to others.
If your blog is crowded visitors, it will attract advertisers to place their ads on your blog or website. You will get money every month or every day.
In addition to drawing the advertiser, you can also put an ad from google adsense. The trick can be learned on the internet. Because many sites that provide tutorials about it.
With google adsense, you will be paid per click. The more qualified you are, the more expensive item you paid. Many bloggers who utilize this facility. They earn quite a lot of blogging.
To place an ad from google adsense, your blog should already have many visitors. Because google does not like his blog a few visitors. You should also actively writes articles that are useful to others. can not copy and paste. If you foul then your account will not survive.
So is my post this time. May be useful:-D
If your blog is crowded visitors, it will attract advertisers to place their ads on your blog or website. You will get money every month or every day.
In addition to drawing the advertiser, you can also put an ad from google adsense. The trick can be learned on the internet. Because many sites that provide tutorials about it.
With google adsense, you will be paid per click. The more qualified you are, the more expensive item you paid. Many bloggers who utilize this facility. They earn quite a lot of blogging.
To place an ad from google adsense, your blog should already have many visitors. Because google does not like his blog a few visitors. You should also actively writes articles that are useful to others. can not copy and paste. If you foul then your account will not survive.
So is my post this time. May be useful:-D
Tips Membuat Blog Menjadi Lebih Cantik dan Menarik
Pada kali ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman mengenai cara membuat blog agar lebih menarik. Saya akan memberikan poin poin penting berdasarkan pengalaman saya ngeblog hingga sekarang ini.
Untuk membuat blog anda lebih menarik, banyak hal yang harus anda perhatikan, diantaranya yaitu :
1. Pilih Template Blog Yang Baik
Template blog yang baik adalah bukan berarti desain nya yang ramai, banyak gambar, dan widget lainnya, Tetapi template yang baik adalah yang baik dari tata letaknya. Tidak terlalu banyak gambar, dan memiliki loading halaman yang cepat. Template yang berat akan memperlambat loading ketika orang lain berkunjung ke blog anda. Hal ini akan membuat pengunjung blog anda jengkel dan cepat-cepat lari dari blog anda. Saya memberikan saran agar anda memilih template blog yang simple.
Untuk membuat blog anda lebih menarik, banyak hal yang harus anda perhatikan, diantaranya yaitu :
1. Pilih Template Blog Yang Baik
Template blog yang baik adalah bukan berarti desain nya yang ramai, banyak gambar, dan widget lainnya, Tetapi template yang baik adalah yang baik dari tata letaknya. Tidak terlalu banyak gambar, dan memiliki loading halaman yang cepat. Template yang berat akan memperlambat loading ketika orang lain berkunjung ke blog anda. Hal ini akan membuat pengunjung blog anda jengkel dan cepat-cepat lari dari blog anda. Saya memberikan saran agar anda memilih template blog yang simple.
2. Tulis Artikel Yang Bermanfaat Bagi orang lain
Untuk membuat blog anda menjadi lebih menarik, hal ini merupakan yang paling utama yang harus anda perhatikan sebagai blogger, sebagus apapun design template atau tampilan blog anda, tetapi artikel yang anda sajikan tidak menarik. Maka Semua itu sia sia, inti dari blogging adalah seberapa jauh artikel yang kita sajikan berguna bagi orang lain.
Cukup dua poin penting itu saja yang anda lakukan dengan sungguh sungguh, maka anda akan merasakan hasilnya. Hal ini sudah saya buktikan sendiri ketika saya berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat kepada orang lain, blog saya otomatis di kunjungi oleh banyak pengunjung. Semoga dengan berbagi pengalaman ini, anda bisa mempraktekkannya dan berhasil menarik pengunjung yang banyak.
Demikian lah postingan saya kali ini, sampai jumpa pada postingan selanjutnya... terimakasih :-D
by Khairul Umam
Untuk membuat blog anda menjadi lebih menarik, hal ini merupakan yang paling utama yang harus anda perhatikan sebagai blogger, sebagus apapun design template atau tampilan blog anda, tetapi artikel yang anda sajikan tidak menarik. Maka Semua itu sia sia, inti dari blogging adalah seberapa jauh artikel yang kita sajikan berguna bagi orang lain.
Cukup dua poin penting itu saja yang anda lakukan dengan sungguh sungguh, maka anda akan merasakan hasilnya. Hal ini sudah saya buktikan sendiri ketika saya berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat kepada orang lain, blog saya otomatis di kunjungi oleh banyak pengunjung. Semoga dengan berbagi pengalaman ini, anda bisa mempraktekkannya dan berhasil menarik pengunjung yang banyak.
Demikian lah postingan saya kali ini, sampai jumpa pada postingan selanjutnya... terimakasih :-D
by Khairul Umam
Cara Cepat Dapat PIN Google Adsense
Bagi anda yang telah lama menunggu PIN google adsense dan tidak kunjung di kirim kealamat, ada alternatif agar anda mendapatkan pin google adsense tanpa menunggu. Dengan cara ini anda bisa men dapat pin google adsense secara mudah dan cepat. Langkah pertama yang harus anda lakukan untuk cepat mendapatkan pin dari google adsense adalah dengan cara masuk ke link berikut :
masuk kesini
Setelah masuk ke link tersebut, isi Nama anda, kemudian isi juga ID publisher adsense anda.
YAng ke 3 adalah mesukkan scan kartu identitas anda, bisa ktp, sim, dan kartu identitas lainya. hal ini guna untuk meyakinkan bahwa pemilik akun adsense benar adalah kita.
Kemudian yang anda harus lakukan tinggal menunggu email balasan dari google dalam kurun waktu 24 jam.
masuk kesini
Setelah masuk ke link tersebut, isi Nama anda, kemudian isi juga ID publisher adsense anda.
YAng ke 3 adalah mesukkan scan kartu identitas anda, bisa ktp, sim, dan kartu identitas lainya. hal ini guna untuk meyakinkan bahwa pemilik akun adsense benar adalah kita.
Kemudian yang anda harus lakukan tinggal menunggu email balasan dari google dalam kurun waktu 24 jam.
Demikian lah "cara cepat mendapatkan pin dari google adsense", semoga membantu :-D
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
Cara Agar Blog Tidak Di Blokir Google
Bagi Anda Yang Mempunyai blog dan yang tentunya sangat cinta dengan blog kesayangannya, pasti akan menakuti hal ini.. Apa ?? di blokir mbah google donk pastinya. hahah :-D sungguh menyedihkan ketika suatu hari kita tiba-tiba tidak bisa login dengan blog kita, padahal blog kita sudah memiliki banyak pengunjung setia .. ahahahay...
Nah,, kali ini saya akan berbagi tips mengenai cara supaya blog anda tidak di blokir oleh google. Sebagai blogger, ada kewajiban yang harus dilakukan. hmm sebenarnya bukan kewajiban sech. Tapi ini tuntutan. LOHH.. sama aja keLeeee'... :-D. Sebagai blogger anda harus mengupdate isi blog anda secara rutin. Ingat..!! rutin bukan berarti sering. Google sangat menyukai blog yang up to date. n isi nya selalu diperbaharui.. kaya blog ini :-D.. heheh promosi dikit ;-)..
Sebelum anda membuat blog, tentu anda membaca syarat dan ketentuan dari google. Postinglah artikel artikel yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Jangan Copy paste.. kalo kaya gitu sama aje lu boong. Lu blogging apa nyolong?? hahah :-D kalopun mau copas, cantumin sumbernya.. tapi kalo agan lupa sumber nya yah apa bole buat, Yang jelas intinya jangan melanggar kebijakan google dah, ntar dihukum google kita ga bisa berbuat apa apa. . yang ada hanya nangis dan bersabar...
Semoga dengan artikel kali ini bisa membantu anda yang tidak ingin blognya di blokir oleh google..
Wassalam... :-D :-D :-D :-D
Sebelum anda membuat blog, tentu anda membaca syarat dan ketentuan dari google. Postinglah artikel artikel yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Jangan Copy paste.. kalo kaya gitu sama aje lu boong. Lu blogging apa nyolong?? hahah :-D kalopun mau copas, cantumin sumbernya.. tapi kalo agan lupa sumber nya yah apa bole buat, Yang jelas intinya jangan melanggar kebijakan google dah, ntar dihukum google kita ga bisa berbuat apa apa. . yang ada hanya nangis dan bersabar...
Semoga dengan artikel kali ini bisa membantu anda yang tidak ingin blognya di blokir oleh google..
Wassalam... :-D :-D :-D :-D
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
Why Do We Have To Save Money In The Bank
This is an article about why we save money in the bank and what the purpose of saving money in the bank
people who save money in the bank will havereasons. Maybe saving money in the bank is one option that right for you who have a lot of money. In addition to saving money in the bank, you will get security for your money. Now the Bank has been offering excellent features are quite beneficial if you deposit at bank.
people who save money in the bank will havereasons. Maybe saving money in the bank is one option that right for you who have a lot of money. In addition to saving money in the bank, you will get security for your money. Now the Bank has been offering excellent features are quite beneficial if you deposit at bank.
For people who are able and earn more, they already have a program whether short or long term with their money, so by saving money, In the future they hope they will not require a worried about money that used for the Next time.
But from several observations, that the core of our purpose is to save money in the bank's security. And the second is the benefit of bank interest.
But from several observations, that the core of our purpose is to save money in the bank's security. And the second is the benefit of bank interest.
Tips for Choosing a Good Phone
Phones are now an advanced technological tool that is a basic requirement for human beings. With mobile phones we can share information and exchange data easily. But to choose a good phone for you, there are several steps that can be used as a reference you to choose a mobile phone.
1. Determine needs and customize your phone with your finances.
This is the most important, you must take into account all your finances in order to remain stable
2. Find a reference on compatible phones
Gather information tentan phones that you want to buy, so you will know the phone is thoroughly
3. Decide where you will buy it and do tests there.
This is to avoid damage when the phone is brought home
4. Always ask for the warranty to reduce problems later on.
Warranty mandatory for every electronic item that you will buy. To ensure that the phone you buy good quality
5. Buy only the former if you have limited funds
This is an alternative choice if the choice no one you can not keep.
May be useful:-D
1. Determine needs and customize your phone with your finances.
This is the most important, you must take into account all your finances in order to remain stable
2. Find a reference on compatible phones
Gather information tentan phones that you want to buy, so you will know the phone is thoroughly
3. Decide where you will buy it and do tests there.
This is to avoid damage when the phone is brought home
4. Always ask for the warranty to reduce problems later on.
Warranty mandatory for every electronic item that you will buy. To ensure that the phone you buy good quality
5. Buy only the former if you have limited funds
This is an alternative choice if the choice no one you can not keep.
May be useful:-D
The Function Of Software in Computer/PC
The software is divided in two. That is the system software and application software.
System software is software that must be installed first before any other application software installed. Because the system software allows the computer to perform key operational tasks and create software applications can run.
The software application is that can help us to perform certain tasks. Each software application has a different purpose, With terinstalnya application software then we can already use or start the computer. Be it a task, listening to music, play games, and others.
System software is software that must be installed first before any other application software installed. Because the system software allows the computer to perform key operational tasks and create software applications can run.
The software application is that can help us to perform certain tasks. Each software application has a different purpose, With terinstalnya application software then we can already use or start the computer. Be it a task, listening to music, play games, and others.
Tips For Choosing an Online Business
In today's era of digital era, online business is a business that much in demand by others. Because in general business online provides convenience in terms of both time and cost. Those who do business onlina onlone can transact their business wherever they are. Thus they use time more efficiently.
However, his popularity amid a growing online business, we also have to be careful in choosing an online business is good and right. Especially for people who are Muslims. There are laws governing the Halal or Haram. Good or not good.
Many online businesses are not well followed or businesses that could deceive or cyber crime. Fraud is done to get the victims money.
Steps should be taken to choose a good online business are:
First we must know the ins and outs of online business to be conducted. What items in perjualbelikan, how the system used by the business. Its essence is that we must truly know and know how the online business. Thus there is no doubt when you run a business.
Secondly we must be careful with scams. Because the online business does not care about distance, cyberspace criminals often take advantage of this. They can pretend to deceive.
Third, when doing business online you need a password to use your existing account, surely it should be kept to a password
However, his popularity amid a growing online business, we also have to be careful in choosing an online business is good and right. Especially for people who are Muslims. There are laws governing the Halal or Haram. Good or not good.
Many online businesses are not well followed or businesses that could deceive or cyber crime. Fraud is done to get the victims money.
Steps should be taken to choose a good online business are:
First we must know the ins and outs of online business to be conducted. What items in perjualbelikan, how the system used by the business. Its essence is that we must truly know and know how the online business. Thus there is no doubt when you run a business.
Secondly we must be careful with scams. Because the online business does not care about distance, cyberspace criminals often take advantage of this. They can pretend to deceive.
Third, when doing business online you need a password to use your existing account, surely it should be kept to a password
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
Teaching Techniques for The Teacher
Today I will share information about teaching techniques for teachers. Hopefully this is very useful for teachers who are looking for information about how they teach well. For a teacher, in teaching must know the techniques used so that a conducive atmosphere for learning and teachers will have students who are productive if the technique is applied very well.
Unsung heroes. That title never left shoulder of a teacher. Being someone who deserves the emulated by all teachers and learners is something to be proud of by the teacher. And become one of determining the success of education as well as the collapse of the world certainly is a wonderful thing. For this reason, every teacher to create their own teaching techniques - each.
One of the teaching techniques that exist today is a question and answer frontally from teacher to student. Both at the beginning of class, middle class, and the end of the lesson. The problem is, how to teach these techniques to students of?
In fact, teaching techniques like this actually requires students to know everything. Not to find out. This is obviously bad. Teachers know that students are able to answer the question. He seemed concerned about how his students know, have students understand, and so forth.
Also, something like this will only make the students of learning for the sake of answering that question. Pure to answer questions. So no lessons sticky sap in the brain and themselves.
Another thing that is not less important is the way the teacher asked. Asked the students of the arrival - arriving actually causes a considerable impact. Students become nervous and not even able to answer questions. Because memorization has been flying high all over the beat of the questions from the teacher. Eventually students will be beings who can not afford to think calmly, his soul used to be afraid, he easily forgotten and difficult to manangani own mind.
Until the end, the class was not comfortable. Teachers are supposed to be loved and missed by students siswinya even feared. Not infrequently occurred to the mind so that the teacher did not come or absent. How sad.
So, teacher teaching technique have to really - really given attention. In order not to create a torture technique student teaching students. But what is desirable in order to create teaching techniques that make teachers guide students to pursue a bridge to success. Preceding as a leader, his back as a guard, and accompanied as a friend. That could form a wise teacher and an exceptional student. Living 'Heroes' without merit' ...!
Unsung heroes. That title never left shoulder of a teacher. Being someone who deserves the emulated by all teachers and learners is something to be proud of by the teacher. And become one of determining the success of education as well as the collapse of the world certainly is a wonderful thing. For this reason, every teacher to create their own teaching techniques - each.
One of the teaching techniques that exist today is a question and answer frontally from teacher to student. Both at the beginning of class, middle class, and the end of the lesson. The problem is, how to teach these techniques to students of?
In fact, teaching techniques like this actually requires students to know everything. Not to find out. This is obviously bad. Teachers know that students are able to answer the question. He seemed concerned about how his students know, have students understand, and so forth.
Also, something like this will only make the students of learning for the sake of answering that question. Pure to answer questions. So no lessons sticky sap in the brain and themselves.
Another thing that is not less important is the way the teacher asked. Asked the students of the arrival - arriving actually causes a considerable impact. Students become nervous and not even able to answer questions. Because memorization has been flying high all over the beat of the questions from the teacher. Eventually students will be beings who can not afford to think calmly, his soul used to be afraid, he easily forgotten and difficult to manangani own mind.
Until the end, the class was not comfortable. Teachers are supposed to be loved and missed by students siswinya even feared. Not infrequently occurred to the mind so that the teacher did not come or absent. How sad.
So, teacher teaching technique have to really - really given attention. In order not to create a torture technique student teaching students. But what is desirable in order to create teaching techniques that make teachers guide students to pursue a bridge to success. Preceding as a leader, his back as a guard, and accompanied as a friend. That could form a wise teacher and an exceptional student. Living 'Heroes' without merit' ...!
Senin, 08 Agustus 2011
How To Be Healthy Without a Doctor
As a human, we must ever get e sick and sadness(disturbing of mental). Very much people finish their phisic problem with medical handling such as going to a doctor or hospital to repair or back to health from their sickness. May be that's benefit for hard sickness such as Stroke and others that you know. But... In this article may be you'll get some tips for healthy without a doctor. With this tips maybe you won't go to doctor if you get easy sickness and you cure by your self. Here I'll give you about "Tips to be Healthy without a doctor"
1. Know yourself, whether physical or psychological
2. No rush to feel sick
3. Pursue a variety of foods everyday
4. Adjust the level of consumption with age
5. Exercise regularly according to the ability
6. Always keep clean
7. Taking time to relax
8. Back to nature
9. processing respiratory
10. Fond of reading health
our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body against disease. Trying a variety of tips to prevent disease to live without depending on drugs is very good. I hope these tips for healthy living without a doctor is useful for you. Thank you .. :-)
1. Know yourself, whether physical or psychological
2. No rush to feel sick
3. Pursue a variety of foods everyday
4. Adjust the level of consumption with age
5. Exercise regularly according to the ability
6. Always keep clean
7. Taking time to relax
8. Back to nature
9. processing respiratory
10. Fond of reading health
our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body against disease. Trying a variety of tips to prevent disease to live without depending on drugs is very good. I hope these tips for healthy living without a doctor is useful for you. Thank you .. :-)
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011
How To Remove Vocal Of Mp3 to Make Karaoke Mp3
If singing is your hobby, There is a way to make an mp3 song to be karaoke file. You needn't buy or searching karaoke files again to get it. Because you can make karaoke files by your self. To make karaoke file from mp3, you just need to have a program. And my opinion, you should have cool edit pro. and What is cool edit pro? In public definition, cool edit pro is sound editing program, you can recording with that and you can do mixing for the track that you have recorded. As a singers may be you should be able to get karaoke file to train your singing skill, train your voice with karaoke file that you made from mp3.
Change mp3 to karaoke is very simple and easy to do, You just do following the instruction that I'll give to you. About cool edit pro program, maybe you can download it by your self. Because it's be on google. Very much references about that. and also, you can download it easily. Okay The last I'll give you about "how to convert mp3 and remove the vocal to be karaoke file" : Click on download link to get a tutorial of making karaoke files
Change mp3 to karaoke is very simple and easy to do, You just do following the instruction that I'll give to you. About cool edit pro program, maybe you can download it by your self. Because it's be on google. Very much references about that. and also, you can download it easily. Okay The last I'll give you about "how to convert mp3 and remove the vocal to be karaoke file" : Click on download link to get a tutorial of making karaoke files
That's all about my sharing today.. Thanks for you coming to my website.. See you all.. :-D
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Why We Need Insurance For Our Life
Insuring the soul is one right choice to ensure continuity of your future. With life insurance, you can get the most benefit from it. Among them is when you have an accident or death. Your heir will be paid to handle the accident that you experienced. That's the benefit of insurance in general I know. Many insurance companies that you can follow. However, when we choose an insurance program, it's good we have to study carefully the insurance that we follow. Starting from the cost of outside, so what are the benefits we get from the insurance.
Your participation in the insurance program will guarantee your survival in the future. Because I know, at the current insurance programs have a very beneficial for their member insurance. For example: Life Insurance, Accident insurance, education insurance Nor.
Insurance is highly developed in advanced countries, because many have realized that the huge insurance benefits to their lives. However, the level of society in general economic level is still low, this is not so difikirkan. Because to follow the insurance will cost even though the actual cost of that need is not so great.
Your participation in the insurance program will guarantee your survival in the future. Because I know, at the current insurance programs have a very beneficial for their member insurance. For example: Life Insurance, Accident insurance, education insurance Nor.
Insurance is highly developed in advanced countries, because many have realized that the huge insurance benefits to their lives. However, the level of society in general economic level is still low, this is not so difikirkan. Because to follow the insurance will cost even though the actual cost of that need is not so great.
Life Insurance Benefits For You
Indonesia is one country where most people still lack awareness of the need for insurance, especially life insurance. The term, insurers have not minded. Most even more want to insure their goods like cars houses etc. than his soul. Talking about life insurance is likely still somewhat taboo in Indonesia, because talking about things that are very undesirable, namely death.
In fact, as I usually say, the risk is not to be avoided, but to be managed. Death is inevitable. Everyone must die. Now, with life insurance, we can manage our risk of death by leaving things that are valuable and beneficial for the family we left behind when he died. So, when speaking of life insurance, please open your mind to be able to talk about death.
If in developed countries like the U.S., most people are already aware of the importance of insurance so that they often find their own insurance, even without the insurance offered by the agent.
Well, need life insurance? In my opinion, life insurance is essential. Why? Here are some examples of cases:
1. By having insurance, I have given food for my family if I died, where the insurance company will pay some money (the sum assured) to my heirs, in this case my family. The money can be used for school fees of my children etc..
2. If I had a disability and can not work anymore, I'll also get the insurance money from insurance companies to stock my life.
It was the second most common examples of insurance. If expanded again, according to each product insurance company, there are many more benefits from life insurance, among others:
1. When I was diagnosed with critical illness, the insurance company will pay some money for my medical expenses. This type of critical illness insurance is different for every company, but the public was such as stroke, heart disease etc..
2. In addition to getting medical expenses, I can also be freed from the premiums, so if I have to pay premiums for 10 years and in year two was diagnosed critical illness, then for the next 8 years I no longer have to pay premiums and insurance companies are turning instead to pay my premium, so my savings on the insurance is still running.
3. In the hospital? The cost is reimbursed by insurance companies. Please remember that the amount of money that changed not necessarily 100%, depending on the insurance product.
Well, it's only a small fraction of the benefits of insurance you can get when you buy life insurance. But these benefits are usually present in modern insurance products are already packaged. If you buy the kind of traditional life insurance, usually the benefits that you get just as in the first example above.
Today life insurance is usually bundled with investment products. So in addition you get the benefits of insurance, you also save money as well. Your money can be withdrawn is called a cash value. So when you die, your heirs will get the sum assured plus the cash value of your insurance policy.
Examples of other cases of insurance benefits:
1. You have a large debt, then you die. Who should pay off the debt? Surely your family will be charged right? Well, the sum paid to the insurance company of your family can be used to pay debts. Please remember this is a very bad scenario! Free yourself from debt! So start saving as early as possible ... You better give a legacy of money that can be used for other purposes than it used to pay debts?
2. You've got a very good employee works. You insure your employees are. Then your employee dies, then you have the money to cover losses the company while looking for new employees.
That glimpse of the life insurance benefits. Very brief, but hopefully those of you who do not have insurance or who had been anti-life insurance can understand the importance of life insurance for yourself and your family.
In fact, as I usually say, the risk is not to be avoided, but to be managed. Death is inevitable. Everyone must die. Now, with life insurance, we can manage our risk of death by leaving things that are valuable and beneficial for the family we left behind when he died. So, when speaking of life insurance, please open your mind to be able to talk about death.
If in developed countries like the U.S., most people are already aware of the importance of insurance so that they often find their own insurance, even without the insurance offered by the agent.
Well, need life insurance? In my opinion, life insurance is essential. Why? Here are some examples of cases:
1. By having insurance, I have given food for my family if I died, where the insurance company will pay some money (the sum assured) to my heirs, in this case my family. The money can be used for school fees of my children etc..
2. If I had a disability and can not work anymore, I'll also get the insurance money from insurance companies to stock my life.
It was the second most common examples of insurance. If expanded again, according to each product insurance company, there are many more benefits from life insurance, among others:
1. When I was diagnosed with critical illness, the insurance company will pay some money for my medical expenses. This type of critical illness insurance is different for every company, but the public was such as stroke, heart disease etc..
2. In addition to getting medical expenses, I can also be freed from the premiums, so if I have to pay premiums for 10 years and in year two was diagnosed critical illness, then for the next 8 years I no longer have to pay premiums and insurance companies are turning instead to pay my premium, so my savings on the insurance is still running.
3. In the hospital? The cost is reimbursed by insurance companies. Please remember that the amount of money that changed not necessarily 100%, depending on the insurance product.
Well, it's only a small fraction of the benefits of insurance you can get when you buy life insurance. But these benefits are usually present in modern insurance products are already packaged. If you buy the kind of traditional life insurance, usually the benefits that you get just as in the first example above.
Today life insurance is usually bundled with investment products. So in addition you get the benefits of insurance, you also save money as well. Your money can be withdrawn is called a cash value. So when you die, your heirs will get the sum assured plus the cash value of your insurance policy.
Examples of other cases of insurance benefits:
1. You have a large debt, then you die. Who should pay off the debt? Surely your family will be charged right? Well, the sum paid to the insurance company of your family can be used to pay debts. Please remember this is a very bad scenario! Free yourself from debt! So start saving as early as possible ... You better give a legacy of money that can be used for other purposes than it used to pay debts?
2. You've got a very good employee works. You insure your employees are. Then your employee dies, then you have the money to cover losses the company while looking for new employees.
That glimpse of the life insurance benefits. Very brief, but hopefully those of you who do not have insurance or who had been anti-life insurance can understand the importance of life insurance for yourself and your family.
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
How To Add Animation Image To Blogspot
Here I'll show you about how to Add Animation Image to your blogspot. As a blogger you must know how do this trick. Before I tell you about how the way to add animation into your blog, Let me say Thanks to you, bacause you you are visitting my blog. Okay... To Make An animation image or add animation image into your blog, You must Following This Step Below :
1. To Add An Animation Image (Image .gif) to your blog. You Must Upload Image that You have on sharing image website. Such as
2. If You've Upload Your Image into, Copy Direct Link That You Have.
Follow this code to add your animation image into your blog :
<img src=""/>
The red color is A link of your image...!! paste your direct link that you've copied there.
That Code will display an image animation like this :
Thanks 4 you reading... See u in the next post..!!!
1. To Add An Animation Image (Image .gif) to your blog. You Must Upload Image that You have on sharing image website. Such as
2. If You've Upload Your Image into, Copy Direct Link That You Have.
Follow this code to add your animation image into your blog :
<img src=""/>
The red color is A link of your image...!! paste your direct link that you've copied there.
That Code will display an image animation like this :
Thanks 4 you reading... See u in the next post..!!!
Right Type of Insurance For The Biker
You Have a Motorcycle thay you're very love to it?? Here I'll give you a sollution that make you now about what kinds of incurance to my motorcycle. This Article will Show you about "how to choose the best incurance for the bikers"
There are a few things about insurance which should be known for the biker. The most important is the type of insurance are most suitable and insurance agencies such as whether the motor is good for your pet.
* Insurance Total Lost is actually better suited for motorcycles with a price range of 30 million dollars down. Because in addition to the cost of premiums is not too draining your pocket, the motor at a price below 30 million dollars if damaged majorpun cost of repairs and spare parts pricing is not too expensive. So it seemed redundant when using the All Risk insurance system.
* All Risk insurance policy is generally used by users moge-ers or motor that has a price high enough spare parts (including motor modif) because if the calculated cost of claims and insurance premiums are less expensive than if you should buy yourself a spare part that suffered damage. Especially with the All Risk insurance policy directly you also get insurance cover Total Lost.
* The last and most important is where we get the insurance policy. Because we generally hooked to sign insurance policies offered because the value of the premiums low. When in fact we've staked our vehicle to the insurance agencies that are not clear. The most obvious risk is the difficulty of making claims in case of unwanted things. Starting from a long-winded process that takes a long time until rejection of the claim for reasons that are unclear. For that we should have to choose insurance agency credible enough so that when a disaster we can easily make a claim to get a replacement easily.
Settled Insurance, You Can Feel Enjoy... :-D
have the insurance policy best insurance agency diproleh of credible either All Risk insurance policy and only Total Lost all these risks can be covered by the insurance agency so as a biker policyholders at least you can sleep soundly
There are a few things about insurance which should be known for the biker. The most important is the type of insurance are most suitable and insurance agencies such as whether the motor is good for your pet.
* Insurance Total Lost is actually better suited for motorcycles with a price range of 30 million dollars down. Because in addition to the cost of premiums is not too draining your pocket, the motor at a price below 30 million dollars if damaged majorpun cost of repairs and spare parts pricing is not too expensive. So it seemed redundant when using the All Risk insurance system.
* All Risk insurance policy is generally used by users moge-ers or motor that has a price high enough spare parts (including motor modif) because if the calculated cost of claims and insurance premiums are less expensive than if you should buy yourself a spare part that suffered damage. Especially with the All Risk insurance policy directly you also get insurance cover Total Lost.
* The last and most important is where we get the insurance policy. Because we generally hooked to sign insurance policies offered because the value of the premiums low. When in fact we've staked our vehicle to the insurance agencies that are not clear. The most obvious risk is the difficulty of making claims in case of unwanted things. Starting from a long-winded process that takes a long time until rejection of the claim for reasons that are unclear. For that we should have to choose insurance agency credible enough so that when a disaster we can easily make a claim to get a replacement easily.
Settled Insurance, You Can Feel Enjoy... :-D
have the insurance policy best insurance agency diproleh of credible either All Risk insurance policy and only Total Lost all these risks can be covered by the insurance agency so as a biker policyholders at least you can sleep soundly
Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011
Khairul Umam - Seribu Tahun Cahaya
free download Khairul umam - seribu tahun cahaya, lagu terbaru seribu tahun cahaya, lagu terbaru khairul umam - seribu tahun cahaya, donlot, khairul umam seribu tahun cahaya, tahun cahaya seribu donlot gratis lagu khairul umam terbaru
This is the song that I've made on JULY 2011. Music Instruments in this song is GUITAR and a little acapella (voice from my mouth). Learn Now... And Download it...!!!
For Download A song from khairul umam, in a title "khairul umam - seribu tahun cahaya", Please Click "DOWNLOAD" below :
Khairul Umam - Seribu Tahun Cahaya
This is the song that I've made on JULY 2011. Music Instruments in this song is GUITAR and a little acapella (voice from my mouth). Learn Now... And Download it...!!!
For Download A song from khairul umam, in a title "khairul umam - seribu tahun cahaya", Please Click "DOWNLOAD" below :
Khairul Umam - Seribu Tahun Cahaya
Penyebab Artikel Tidak Di Indeks Oleh Google
Suatu Ketika Anda Memiliki sebuah artikel yang sudah terindeks google dan ketika anda sengaja melakukan pencarian terhadap blog atau website anda, anda selalu menemukan artikel yang anda tulis di blog. Namun, Apa jadinya ketika artikel anda tidak terindeks lagi oleh google?? apa yang anda harus lakukan. Mungkin ini merupakan suatu musibah yang manimpa para webmaster atau para blogger ketika hal ini terjadi.
Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan artikel anda tidak terindeks lagi oleh google. berapapun banyaknya anda membuat sebuah artikel jika google tidak mengindeks blog atau artikel anda tersebut maka yang ada hanyaklah sia-sia. Berikut merupakan kemungkinan yang menyebabkan artikel anda tidak terindeks oleh mesin pencari google :
Kemungkinan kedua adalah anda terkena google sandbox, atau terkena semprit oleh mbah Google sehingga artikel anda tidak ditayangkan lagi di index google. Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi ?
1. Website atau artikel blog anda sedang diserang virus atau trojan, kalau hal ini yang terjadi maka tidak akan ada ampunan dari google ! Artikel atau website anda langsung lenyap dari index google
2. Adanya duplicate content di artikel anda
3. Website anda terlalu optimal SEO nya, atau dengan kata lain terlalu berlebihan link balik ke website anda. Link balik memang penting, namun apabila dilakukan tidak wajar akan membuat robot google curiga atau dianggap sebagai spam.
4. Umur website anda sudah lama namun jarang diupdate isinya
5. Banyak link menuju keluar maupun kedalam namun broken link
Untuk keluar dari Google Sandbox, anda harus melakukan cek terhadap artikel anda atau website anda. Cek apakah list yang saya sebutkan diatas ada di website anda. Kalau benar ada, maka hindari apa yang saya tuliskan diatas secara perlahan. Memang untuk case masuk google sandbox akan membuat index halaman anda di google agak lama untuk tampil kembali.
Usahakan hindarilah poin poin di atas. Karena ketika google telah menendang blog anda dari mesin pencari, maka hampir tidak ada cara untuk mengembalikan nya seperti semula..
Demikian lah artikel kali ini. thanks for you reading..
By khairul umam
Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan artikel anda tidak terindeks lagi oleh google. berapapun banyaknya anda membuat sebuah artikel jika google tidak mengindeks blog atau artikel anda tersebut maka yang ada hanyaklah sia-sia. Berikut merupakan kemungkinan yang menyebabkan artikel anda tidak terindeks oleh mesin pencari google :
Kemungkinan kedua adalah anda terkena google sandbox, atau terkena semprit oleh mbah Google sehingga artikel anda tidak ditayangkan lagi di index google. Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi ?
1. Website atau artikel blog anda sedang diserang virus atau trojan, kalau hal ini yang terjadi maka tidak akan ada ampunan dari google ! Artikel atau website anda langsung lenyap dari index google
2. Adanya duplicate content di artikel anda
3. Website anda terlalu optimal SEO nya, atau dengan kata lain terlalu berlebihan link balik ke website anda. Link balik memang penting, namun apabila dilakukan tidak wajar akan membuat robot google curiga atau dianggap sebagai spam.
4. Umur website anda sudah lama namun jarang diupdate isinya
5. Banyak link menuju keluar maupun kedalam namun broken link
Untuk keluar dari Google Sandbox, anda harus melakukan cek terhadap artikel anda atau website anda. Cek apakah list yang saya sebutkan diatas ada di website anda. Kalau benar ada, maka hindari apa yang saya tuliskan diatas secara perlahan. Memang untuk case masuk google sandbox akan membuat index halaman anda di google agak lama untuk tampil kembali.
Usahakan hindarilah poin poin di atas. Karena ketika google telah menendang blog anda dari mesin pencari, maka hampir tidak ada cara untuk mengembalikan nya seperti semula..
Demikian lah artikel kali ini. thanks for you reading..
By khairul umam
Label:Trik Sulap
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Tips Dan Trik Blogspot,
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Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
Tips Mengurangi Kebiasaan Mencontek
Mungkin Merupakan Suatu Perbincangan Yang Sudah tidak asing lagi mengenai mencontek. Pada artikel kali ini, ada baiknya saya berbagi tips dan trik untuk mengurangi kebiasaan mencontek. Hal ini merupakan fenomena yang sangat nyata sekali. Karena Saya dan mungkin teman-teman yang lain yang sudah mengalami. hay hay hay :-D :ngakak.. gak munafik sech.. saya sendiri jujur memang pernah mencontek.. wkwkwk, saya cukup tertarik dengan ilustrasi berikut :
Dari Kecil......
Sampai Besar
wkwkwkwk :-D.. kreatif bgd yang punya niy foto... Melihat fenomena seperti ini tentu sangat miris sekali karena itu benar-benar sangat membudaya (mulai sok inteleg :-D). Bagaimana tidak.. ini bisa jadi merupakan fenomena yang turun temurun dan terus menerus terjadi... mungkin setiap detik (wkwk lebay).. :-D
Sebelum anda lari dari blog ane.. baiknya ane langsung share aja tentang cara menghilangkan kebiasaan mencontek yang sudah menjadi tradisi ini :-D.
Trik nya adalah... : yang paling mujarab untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan mencontek tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah cari bocoran. kalau sudah tahu bocoran soal atau jawabannya orang ga pingin nyontek lagi..... hihihi :-D hahahay.. :-D becanda sob....
Niyh triknya... dicoba ya... semoga bermanfaat untuk agan agan semua :
Di bawah ini ada beberapa tips untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi kebiasaan mencontek bagi pelajar, diantaranya:
Dari Kecil......
Sampai Besar
wkwkwkwk :-D.. kreatif bgd yang punya niy foto... Melihat fenomena seperti ini tentu sangat miris sekali karena itu benar-benar sangat membudaya (mulai sok inteleg :-D). Bagaimana tidak.. ini bisa jadi merupakan fenomena yang turun temurun dan terus menerus terjadi... mungkin setiap detik (wkwk lebay).. :-D
Sebelum anda lari dari blog ane.. baiknya ane langsung share aja tentang cara menghilangkan kebiasaan mencontek yang sudah menjadi tradisi ini :-D.
Trik nya adalah... : yang paling mujarab untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan mencontek tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah cari bocoran. kalau sudah tahu bocoran soal atau jawabannya orang ga pingin nyontek lagi..... hihihi :-D hahahay.. :-D becanda sob....
Niyh triknya... dicoba ya... semoga bermanfaat untuk agan agan semua :
Di bawah ini ada beberapa tips untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi kebiasaan mencontek bagi pelajar, diantaranya:
- Tingkatkan kepercayaan diri, dengan tingkat kepercayaan diri yang tinggi, maka kita tidak akan mau melihat hasil orang lain.
- Perbanyak pengetahuan, dengan tingkat pengetahuan yang tinggi maka kita akan lebih percaya terhadap diri sendiri dan tidak akan mau mencontek.
- Lawan rasa malas, memang sungguh sulit untuk mengusir rasa malas yang ada pada diri bagi orang yang pada awalnya telah terbiasa dengan bermalas-malasan, namun apabila telah memulai untuk rajin belajar maka lama-kelamaan kita akan mempunyai kebiasaan untuk terus belajar sehingga kinerja otak kita terus terasah.
- Kurangi kuantitas mencontek, apabila biasanya dalam ulangan kita banyak mencontek, maka kita kurangi dengan mencontek setengah demi setengah. contoh: setiap ulangan rata-rata kita mencontek 15 soal pg, kita kurangi setengahnya pada ulangan berikutnya jadi hanya mencontek 8 soal, kemudian terus kurangi sampai mencapai 1 soal dan dari sana kita bisa menghilangkannya.
- Buatlah jadwal kegiatan, kita bisa menjadwal kegiatan kita sehari hari dari mulai kita bangun sampai kita istirahat, sehingga anda tidak akan dibingungkan oleh tumpukan tugas yang belum selesai.
- Tingkatkan kedisiplinan, anda pasti telah sering mendengar kata “Disiplin kunci keberhasilan”, maka dari itu disiplinlah dalam menjalankan jadwal kegiatan.
- Mulailah secepatnya, apabila anda ingin menghilangkan kebiasaan mencontek anda tidak boleh menunda-nunda waktu, karena apabila terus menunda-nunda semua tugas akan menumpuk dan itu menyebabkan suatu kemalasan dalam mengerjakan semua tugas.
Senin, 01 Agustus 2011
Cara Mengatasi Masalah Tidak Bisa Komentar Di Blogspot
saya tidak bisa berkomentar di blog, tidak bisa komentar di blogspot, tidak bisa berkomentar di blogspot, cara agar bisa berkomentar di blogspot, cara agar memperbaiki kerusakan tidak bisa berkomentar di blogspot sendiri dan blog orang lain, cara mengatasi masalah, trip mengatasi masalah tidak bisa berkomentar di blogspot sendiri maupun berkomentar di blogspot orang lain
Mungkin Anda Pernah mengalami kejadian yang mengejutkan ketika anda mendapat komentar dari orang lain, namun anda tidak bisa membalasnya. begitu juga sebaliknya anda tidak bisa menuliskan komentar di blog orang lain.
Hal ini tentu cukup menjengkelkan, mana kala berkomentar merupakan salah satu sarana komunikasi bagi blogger. Nah, Untuk memperjelasnya mungkin anda mengalami masalah seperti gambar di bawah ini :
Seperti gambar yang anda lihat, pilihan pada kotak komentar terlihat kosong, tidak ada apa apa.
Penyebabnya adalah IP Address dari Provider yang kita gunakan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, LAngkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan adalah :
1. Login ke Blogger
2. Klik Settings
3. Pada Menu Settings pilih "Comments"
4. Psda bagian Comment Form Placement,Pilih "Pop-up window"
Dengan demikian anda sudah bisa membalas komentar komentar yang ada di blog anda..
Good Luck,,
By Khairul Umam
Mungkin Anda Pernah mengalami kejadian yang mengejutkan ketika anda mendapat komentar dari orang lain, namun anda tidak bisa membalasnya. begitu juga sebaliknya anda tidak bisa menuliskan komentar di blog orang lain.
Hal ini tentu cukup menjengkelkan, mana kala berkomentar merupakan salah satu sarana komunikasi bagi blogger. Nah, Untuk memperjelasnya mungkin anda mengalami masalah seperti gambar di bawah ini :
Seperti gambar yang anda lihat, pilihan pada kotak komentar terlihat kosong, tidak ada apa apa.
Penyebabnya adalah IP Address dari Provider yang kita gunakan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, LAngkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan adalah :
1. Login ke Blogger
2. Klik Settings
3. Pada Menu Settings pilih "Comments"
4. Psda bagian Comment Form Placement,Pilih "Pop-up window"
Dengan demikian anda sudah bisa membalas komentar komentar yang ada di blog anda..
Good Luck,,
By Khairul Umam
Making Form With Javascript
how to make form with javascript, way to make form with javascript, make form with java script, How I can make a form with javascript, how to create a form with javascript, javascript learning guides, give depth to the login form with javascript, javascript tutorials, javascript scripts collection, a collection of tricks and tips javascript for the website, enhance your website with javascript, dialog boxes on the website, create a javascript program for websites
To the bloggers and loyal readers of this website are sorry that lately rarely post .. Haha .. many tasks that had to be resolved. beforehand whether you ever heard of javascript? java script is a kind of Java programs that can be applied on a website or blog that his extension form. js (answer in my opinion) lol ...
Good .. Just go straight to the heart of post title ... ie "tips create a form with javascript" ... we first provide a script javascript then dial in the html code ... The following example ..
To the bloggers and loyal readers of this website are sorry that lately rarely post .. Haha .. many tasks that had to be resolved. beforehand whether you ever heard of javascript? java script is a kind of Java programs that can be applied on a website or blog that his extension form. js (answer in my opinion) lol ...
Good .. Just go straight to the heart of post title ... ie "tips create a form with javascript" ... we first provide a script javascript then dial in the html code ... The following example ..
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
counter = 0;
function action()
counterNext = counter + 1;
document.getElementById("input"+counter).innerHTML = "<p>Masukkan Data <input type='text' name='data[]'></p><div id=\"input"+counterNext+"\"></div>";
<h1>Dinamic Form</h1>
<form method="post" action="submit.php">
<p>Masukkan Data <input type='text' name='data[]'></p>
<div id="input0">
<p><a href="javascript:action();">Tambah</a></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"><input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset"></p>
above code will display the form as follows ...
If the press added will appear as follows:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
counter = 0;
function action()
counterNext = counter + 1;
document.getElementById("input"+counter).innerHTML = "<p>Masukkan Data <input type='text' name='data[]'></p><div id=\"input"+counterNext+"\"></div>";
<h1>Dinamic Form</h1>
<form method="post" action="submit.php">
<p>Masukkan Data <input type='text' name='data[]'></p>
<div id="input0">
<p><a href="javascript:action();">Tambah</a></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"><input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset"></p>
above code will display the form as follows ...
If the press added will appear as follows:
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